Anyone can pick investment funds and hope for the best. At Crocus Wealth Limited, we have a clearly defined investment research process, which ensures that you understand the risk you are taking in achieving your investment goals and objectives. It also provides you with peace of mind that we are constantly reviewing your investments. So, what is the process?
We will arrange an initial meeting to discuss your needs and objectives. This could cover retirement planning, educational funding, income needs, investments or saving for a rainy day.
It is important to understand your attitude to investment risk so we will ask you to complete an investment risk questionnaire, the outcome of which will be discussed with you to ensure it matches your own understanding of risk. This will help form the basis of our investment recommendations.
Having made our recommendations and with your agreement we can begin to implement them by creating an appropriate investment portfolio which we will monitor for you each month. Where we feel changes are required to this portfolio from time-to-time will advise you accordingly.
Over time your needs and circumstance may change as will economic and market conditions, so it is important to ensure that our initial advice remains suitable on an on-going basis.