If you have just started working retirement is a far off event which the Government is moving even further into the future for many people. Whilst State Retirement Pension is for everyone, it is not designed to pay much more than a subsistence pension.
Even if your retirement is many years away the decisions you take when planning your pension could make all the difference to your eventual pension income and financial security in your retirement. Your pension should be a long term investment in your future and so the sooner you start the better.
We can provide advice on retirement planning, from finding a suitable pension plan and then arranging an annuity or alternative pension income plan for when you do retire. The choice of pensions is huge but with advice this can be filtered down to a small selection of possible options to suit you.
Our advisers will discuss a wide range of issues concerning retirement planning to help explain your options for choosing a retirement age, as this can affect the eventual value of your pension, or how with some personal pensions you can opt to have a phased retirement where you continue to work, may be in a part-time job, to allow you to draw-down your pension in phased payments to potentially secure a better income. Pension incomes can also be influenced by your health and in some cases your postcode, so it is worth discussing all these aspects with one of our retirement and pensions planning advisers before deciding.